The Big Bang Theory Meets Pirates Of The Caribbean 1950s Panavision

The Big Bang Theory Meets Pirates Of The Caribbean 1950s Panavision

When The Big Bang Theory collides with Pirates Of The Caribbean… What could possibly go wrong?! 🏴‍☠️🤣 Sheldon 0:06 Penny 0:42 Leonard 1:17 Bernadette 1:52 Howard 2:19 Amy 3:03 Raj 3:32 Stuart 4:05 Priya 4:35 #tbbt #piratesofthecaribbean #aiart #crossover #multiverse #pirates #thebigbangtheoryfunniestmoments #penny #aiart #stablediffusion #listendidyouknow #thongisland #1950ssuperpanavision70 #1950panavision #panavision #swashbuckling #swashbucklingadventure #tbbtforever #sheldoncooper