The TRUTH about Samsung's Galaxy A06! Upgrade or Waste?

The TRUTH about Samsung's Galaxy A06! Upgrade or Waste?

Thinking of upgrading to the Samsung Galaxy A06 from the Galaxy A05? The truth might shock you! 📱🔥 #GalaxyA06 #TechDebate #yoohguys #oscarmini #oscarfrank :::::::::: E Q U I P M E N T I USE :::::::::: Sony FX6 - Sony A7S III - Sony A74 - MixPre 6 II - :::::::::: C O N N E C T W I T H M E ::::::::::   / oscarfranky     / oscarfranky     / oscarfranky   :::::::::: B U S I N E S S :::::::::: For inquiries, sponsorship, and collaboration: [email protected]