SIKANDAR Name Meaning In Urdu | Islamic Baby Boy Name | Ali-Bhai
سکندر کے معنی اور اس کی تفصیل Assalamualaikum Welcome To Ali-Bhai Youtube Channel In this video you will find most authentic urdu meaning of Islamic Muslim Name SIKANDAR with details like "Origin of SIKANDAR name" , "Gender Of SIKANDAR Name" , " Religion Of SIKANDAR Name". if you have questions about Muslim baby's names like " SIKANDAR kisi our name ka matlab kya" . "SIKANDAR kisi our name k meaning ya mane kiya SIKANDAR", "SIKANDAR kisi our naam kis zuban ya language se hai" , "kiya SIKANDAR koi our naam Muslim name Hai ya none muslim name ha" , "Kiya SIKANDAR koi our naam male or Boy name hai ya Girl or larki ka naam hai" , " SIKANDAR koi our urdu naam urdu mSIKANDAR kaise likhte hSIKANDAR" , " or if you have any other questions so you can ask in comments section. Alternate spellings for this name are SIKANDER | SIKANDUR | SAKANADAR | About This Channel ALI-BHAI will be largest YouTube Channel For Most detailed and most authentic Islamic baby names ( IN SHA ALLAH ). To complete Our Mission we need Yours Prays and support so please LIKE, Share our videos and Don't forget to SUBCIRBE this channel. Our Mission We are working on "Muslims Baby names" with most authentic Urdu Meaning. Because we have experienced that finding an authentic meaning for baby name is so difficult. Different websites AND Channel are showing different meanings for the same name, that's why we decided to work on this topic. ALI-BHAI ( YouTube Channel ) #alibhai #muslimbabyname #SIKANDAR #namemeaning