Himalaya शतावरी के विषय में पूरी जानकारी | IS SHATAVARI USED FOR BREAST ELARGMENT AND WEIGHT GAIN??
to buy click respective link provided below Amazon : https://amzn.to/3CQGkba Flipkart :https://ekaro.in/enkr20230115s19810792 Tata 1mg : https://ekaro.in/enkr20230115s19810714 Key Benefits: Shatavari Tablet can be used as a female reproductive tonic. It helps in balancing the female hormonal system. Himalaya Shatavari Tablet can be consumed to enhance the prolactin level that improves lactation in new mothers, thus ensuring optimum breastfeeding. Shatavari tablet is ideal for overcoming fatigue, promoting physical and mental health and rejuvenating the body post-delivery. It also promotes breast milk production. #shatavari #himalaya #geetumiku All review is based on my personal experience/research. It doesn't mean that product not working well for me will not work for you or if its working on me then It will work on you. everyone has different skin, skin type / color / texture etc. Disclaimer : All products used in my videos, regardless of whether the is sponsored or not, are the products I like using. the information provided on this channel is only for general purposes and should "NOT" be considered as professional advice. I am not a licensed Professional or a medical practitioner, so always make sure you consult a professional in case of need. Only recommendations based on my personal experience all the content publish on this channel is my own creative work and is protected under copyright law. Products used while making this video Samsung Mobile Phone:https://ekaro.in/enkr20220711s12927223 & Xiaomi mobile : https://ekaro.in/enkr20220711s12927334 Maono Microphone : https://ekaro.in/enkr20220711s12927286 & https://ekaro.in/enkr20220711s12927301 Ring light with tripod : https://ekaro.in/enkr20220711s12926964