3 THINGS I WISH I KNEW WHEN I STARTED WARFRAME #warframe #warframeislife #tennocreate
In this video i explain the 3 things i wish i knew before starting warframe, modding can be very complex and when i first started i had wished i was just given all the mods i needed to get started, second thing build searching, this actually made me quit the game when i first started! and 3rd a platinum guide on how to make platinum, its still a work in progress but there is about 15 pages worth of how to make platinum as a beginner in the discord under "plat guide" channel! If you enjoyed what you seen and want to see more of it Drop a Sub, its completely free Only like the video, if you enjoyed what you seen, if not, please tell me what i could have done better. Follow my twitch for streams Sunday - Friday @12pm PST / zxkkery