Royal creams/Butter biscuits/melting Moments/gawa's kitchen
Recipe credit Jameela Sayed Slightly Adapted by Gawa's kitchen ingredients 250g butter 3/4 cup icing sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence /Almond essence 1/2 cup cornflour/maizena 2+1/2 cups Cake flour pinch salt bake @140 degrees 12-15 minutes icing 60g butter 1 cup icing sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence/Almond essence I used milky bar chocolate please like and subscribe click the bell so you get notified every time I post a new video thank you for all your messages,for trying the recipes and for your support I truly appreciate it 😊 please keep safe and I will see you in the next one bye guys😘💖💖💖