Pediatric Liver Transplant Expertise & Outcomes |Dr. Rajiv Lochan |Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Liver transplants in children are complex and require a skilled team and specialized care. Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant - HPB, Liver Transplantation, and Robotic Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, shares insights on performing challenging pediatric transplants for conditions like Biliary Atresia, Hepatoblastoma, Acute Liver Failure, and Metabolic Liver Disease. With expert care, children can recover well and lead a healthy life. Consult with our experts today! To know more about the doctor, click here https://www.manipalhospitals.com/olda... #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #HealthCare #LiverTransplant #PediatricCare #LiverHealth #BiliaryAtresia #Hepatoblastoma #AcuteLiverFailure #ChildHealth #ExpertCare #OrganTransplant