Don't charge your phone to 100 percent!! | Tech Tips Quickie
Tech tips quickie series! Why you should not charge your phone to 100 percent? Extend your phone's battery lifespan by doing this simple trick! #Shorts#YouTubeShorts If you love this tech tips quickie video or want more of this leave your comments down below and don't forget to like this video and subscribe for more tech-informative quickie videos!! 👉 Lazada Promos - https://bit.ly/2PRTPSi ======================================================== Background Music License * Artist Name: The Spacies Song Name: Heartbeat (Instrumental) License #: 3469305224 ======================================================== Sponsorship / Business Inquries * Email me at: wpbfsd (at) gmail.com Donation Link * Support by donating any amount! http://paypal.me/freesoftwaretips Social links * NEW! Webite: https://freesoftwaretips.tech YouTube: / freesoftwaretips YouTube (new): / freegamingtips Facebook: / freesoftwaretips ======================================================== Don't miss an awesome tip, trick or solution to a problem on your pc! Support by leaving a like, comment and subscribe for more helpful tutorials!