Vitamin D deficiency in adult ( वयस्कों में विटामन डी की कमी, इलाज व बचाव के उपाय ) | Trishla Ortho

Vitamin D deficiency in adult ( वयस्कों में विटामन डी की कमी, इलाज व बचाव के उपाय ) | Trishla Ortho

Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the whole population. Nowadays due to deficiency of vitamin D in diet & lack of exposure, it is a very common problem. Vitamin D helps in maintaining many functions of the body including calcium metabolism, bone health, sugar level & kidney function, etc. its deficiency in the short as well long term causes many problems in individuals. So it is very important to know detail about it. In this video, we have given info about its use, nutritional supplement, benefit, and problem-related to deficiency. विटामिन डी की कमी सभी उम्र के लोगो में बहुत आम है। आजकल आहार में विटामिन डी की कमी और सूर्य के एक्सपोजर की कमी के कारण यह बहुत आम समस्या है। विटामिन डी शरीर के कई कार्यों को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है जिसमें कैल्शियम, हड्डी का स्वास्थ्य, शर्करा का स्तर और गुर्दे का कार्य आदि शामिल हैं। इसकी कमी के साथ-साथ लंबे समय तक व्यक्ति में कई समस्याएं होती हैं। इसलिए इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानना बहुत जरूरी है। इस वीडियो में हमने इसके उपयोग, पोषण पूरक लाभ और कमी से संबंधित समस्या के बारे में जानकारी दी है। Video Highlights: 00:00 Introduction of Vitamin D deficiency 00:18 Role of vitamin D & its deficiency in adult 00:55 Why we need vitamin D 01:38 Source of vitamin D 03:04 Source of vitamin D: contd 04:13 Guideline for vitamin D 05:22 Food product with vit D 06:47 Vitamin D requirement 08:17 Food product with high phosphorus 09:22 Foods high in calcium 10:14 Role of vitamin D 11:16 High risk 14:19 Vitamin D deficiency 14:49 Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency 17:26 Low level vitamin d is related with disease activity & incidence 18:15 Relation to cancer 19:26 Neurological relation 20:44 Role of Vitamin D in Cardiological diseases 21:19 Role of Vitamin D in respiratory tract infection & inflammatory disease 22:17 Role of Vitamin D deficiency in bone, muscle pain, Diabetes 23:00 Role of Vitamin D in other body disorders 👉About Dr. Jitendra Kumar Jain Dr. Jitendra Kumar Jain is a very senior pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon. His specialization is in cerebral palsy, Children's Orthopaedics, Limb Lengthening, and limb reconstruction in congenital limb deficiency. He is the chairman of a Rehabilitation Facility for Children with cerebral palsy Trishla Foundation. Cerebral Palsy & Congenital Limb Deficiencies Require Particular Skills in Limb Reconstruction. In the Past 17 Years he has managed More Than 50000 Kids With Orthopaedic Disabilities including cerebral palsy. 👉About Trishla Ortho A Non-governmental Organization Trishla Orthopedic clinic provides clinic-based & tele/video consultation, medical, surgical & rehabilitation care to children with the orthopedic problems, cerebral palsy & other age groups with chronic problems like arthritis, limb deformity, malunion, etc. More than 10000 patient with a neglected and difficult orthopedic disability has been managed so far 👉Contact Us More info on YouTube channel: jjain999 FB page:   / trishlaorthorehab   Email Id: [email protected] Ph: 9415014994 #orthopedicspecialist #trishlaortho #vitaminddeficiency