1st Sem B.com (BNU) Principles of Marketing Model Question Paper 2022 as per NEP syllabus| Dr K S S
#educaterguru #1stsembcomprinciplesofmarketing #modelquestionpaper About the Professor: Dr K S Sreekanteswara M.Com, M Phil, Ph.D Retired Principal VVN DEGREE COLLEGE, BENGALURU. Started his career as a commerce teacher in the year 1984 in BTL college and then in the year 1985 joined VVN degree college and served the institution for 35 years. During that period he worked in various capacities as Lecturer, Head of the Department, Placement officer, IQAC coordinator, Vice Principal and Principal. Presented papers at State, National and International level seminars, conferences. He has also Worked as chairman, coordinator, paper setter in the Bangalore University Examination. Apart from that he is a volunteer in Sri Ramakrishna ashrama and member in the editorial board for the youth magazine 'Viveka Hamsa'. He has also conducted various programs like orientation programs for both PUC students and Degree students; Faculty development programme i.e., Professional development program for teachers. Follow us on Facebook - / educater-guru-106109961737161 Email us at [email protected] Contact us on +917795627257 (WhatsApp only) If you like this video, please like, share and subscribe to our channel Thank you