First-St. Andrew's United Church Worship Service - August 20, 2023

First-St. Andrew's United Church Worship Service - August 20, 2023

Welcome to worship at First-St. Andrew's United Church in London, Ontario! We are pleased to present this live-stream worship service on Sunday, August 20, 2023. The service will begin at 10:30am. We invite you to join us for worship in the sanctuary or online at 10:30am. Rev. Dr. Joshua Lawrence will lead the service and preach a sermon entitled "Karmic Opportunities" based on today's first lesson, Genesis 45: 1-15, which will be read by Bill Guthrie. Our Gospel reading will be Matthew 15: 10-28. Minister of Music, Chris Fischer will be joined by not one, but two guest musicians this morning. Bob Peel will open our service on his Celtic harp. He will also play the Musical Offering and the Music to Commission Us Into Service and Witness. Soprano Lorna Gunning Fratschko will sing our Musical Reflection, accompanied by Chris on the piano. Today's hymns, all from Voices United, are: #602 "Blest Be the Tie That Binds", #220 "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty", #676 "God, Make Us Servants of Your Peace" and #236 "Now Thank We All Our God". To make a donation in support of First-St. Andrew's or to learn more about us, we invite you to visit our website at For more services, check out our YouTube Channel @   / @firstst.andrewsunitedchurch   for videos of previous services.