Deep Live Cam Installation with Python: Full Step-by-Step Guide

Deep Live Cam Installation with Python: Full Step-by-Step Guide

In this comprehensive tutorial, learn how to install *Deep Live Cam* using Python. *Deep Live Cam* is a powerful AI tool that allows you to alter your appearance in real-time, changing your face or creating digital effects for live streams. It integrates seamlessly with streaming platforms like *Streamlabs* and **OBS**, making it perfect for content creators who want to elevate their streams, just like **IShowSpeed**. Follow this full installation guide and master Deep Live Cam to enhance your video content with dynamic, real-time effects and face transformations. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Remove Old Python Versions Run PowerShell as an *Administrator**. Press **Windows + X* on your keyboard and select "Windows PowerShell (Admin). or Terminal Admin" To check your current Python version, type: ```bash python --version ``` The recommended version for this program is **Python 3.10**. Make sure to install Python in the correct directory. To change directories, use the command: ```bash cd [example path: C:\Windows\System32] ``` Step 2: Install Chocolatey Follow the setup guide on Chocolatey: []( Run the following command in PowerShell to install Chocolatey: ```bash Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(' ``` To check if Chocolatey is installed, type: ```bash choco -v ``` Step 3: Install Python 3.10 Use Chocolatey to install Python 3.10: ```bash choco install python --version=3.10.0 ``` Verify installation: ```bash python --version ``` Step 4: Install Git Install Git via Chocolatey: ```bash choco install git ``` Check if Git is installed: ```bash git --version ``` Step 5: Install FFmpeg Install FFmpeg: ```bash choco install ffmpeg ``` Check if installed: ```bash ffmpeg --version ``` Step 6: Install C++ Build Tools Download and install C++ Build Tools from Microsoft's website: []( Step 7: Install Nvidia CUDA (if needed) For users with a GPU, download and install CUDA: []( Skip this step if you are using a CPU. Step 8: Clone the Deep Live Cam Repository Go to the Deep Live Cam GitHub repository: []( Run this command to clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` Step 9: Download Required Files Visit Hugging Face to download `GFPGANv1.4.pth` and `inswapper_128_fp16.onnx`: []( Save the files in the `models` folder inside the *Deep Live Cam* directory. Step 10: Install Requirements Navigate to the Deep Live Cam folder and run the following command to install the required Python libraries: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Step 11: Setting Environment Variables You need to set the *environment variables* for the installation to work properly. #### On Windows: 1. *Search "Environment Variables"* in the Start menu and click "Edit the system environment variables." 2. In the "System Properties" window, click **Environment Variables**. 3. Under **System variables**, click **New**. 4. Enter a name (e.g., `PYTHON_PATH`) and the appropriate directory path (e.g., `C:\Python\`). 5. Click *OK* to save. Step 12: Run Deep Live Cam Finally, run Deep Live Cam by typing the following in PowerShell or Command Prompt inside the Deep Live Cam folder: ```bash python ```