Rev. Maria with Joan Hunter,  Part 2, Greater Works Will You Do

Rev. Maria with Joan Hunter, Part 2, Greater Works Will You Do

Maria Interviews Joan Hunter in Part 2, Greater Works Will You Do. Joan is the Founder of Joan Hunter Ministries and Miracles Happen. She has been interviewed on Voices in the Wilderness TV program several times and is one of our favorite guests. In Matthew Chapter 10 vs 7-8 Jesus said, When you go preach, say, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Joan reminds the viewers that Jesus wants his followers to do the same. Joan travels around the globe training and equipping the Body of Christ to operate in their authority in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. She is a prolific and best-selling author, teacher, sought after conference speaker, and Host of Miracles Happen. Her parents were the famous Healing Evangelists, Francis and Charles Hunter. You can watch past interviews on this YouTube channel. To learn more about Rev. Maria Goldstein visit: To learn more about Joan Hunter visit: Joan ministers the Gospel with manifestations of supernatural signs and wonders in healing school sessions, miracle services, conferences, and churches around the world. Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, Joan speaks prophetically in the services, releasing personal and corporate prophetic ministry to those in attendance. At the young age of 12, Joan dedicated her heart to the Lord and has faithfully served him from that day to this. She has uncompromising faith and dedication to the call of God on her life. She exhibits a sincere desire to see the body of Christ set free in their body, mind, soul, spirit and finances. Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing evangelist. Joan has ministered in countries all over the world and has been on numerous television and radio appearances. She has been featured on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural”, “My New Day”, “The Jim Bakker Show”, Faith with Katie Souza and on “Today with Marilyn (Hickey) and Sarah.” Joan hosts a powerful and exciting show of her own called “Miracles Happen!.” She has authored more than 27 books and has recorded teachings that will encourage you and teach you how to pray for the sick and see them recover. Books and teachings are available to order through Some resources are available as digital downloads through and iTunes.