Prep Series | WBFF 2 WEEKS OUT | Finally Picked my Dress| Tahnee Sheehan Workshop | Cheyenne Trevatt

Prep Series | WBFF 2 WEEKS OUT | Finally Picked my Dress| Tahnee Sheehan Workshop | Cheyenne Trevatt

Little late on last weeks Vlog. Last week was utter chaos. Had a very back to back schedule. Many hours spent in the gym for work, posing, cardio and training protocols but, we got it done. Didn't get much vlogging done. I have been dialing in, and trying to keep myself busy to stay away from the kitchen pantry. When food is out of site it's out of mind! Spent all of my weekend out attending social outings. A birthday party for one of my close gal pals who has always been so supportive of my fitness career. Had to dip as soon as the party pies came but had good fun catching up with old friends. Sunday was spent at Bikini Pro Tahnee Sheehan's posing workshop at Empire Fitness GC where we met up with a few of the other Alpha Prep team. I was delightfully surprised to bump into some old fitness industry friends Brodie and Emily who I met through a fitness modelling gig before his fitness photography career blew up. Then a long trip straight from Gold Coast Empire fitness to O.N.S boutique all the way in the city (because I prep brained and didn't book at the Gold Coast one. Got there 5 mins late BUT! I finally have my stage evening gown picked and booked. I concluded my weekend with a night life beach trip with my long guys best friend Reece who has always been my closeted hippie pal. Can never say no to a beach trip no matter how tired I am. I have found that you have to do the things you love , even when you are in prep, otherwise you're not really living, you're just surviving. It's definitely helped my mentality this prep. There's no point in missing out on life for a simple competition. You can still stick to your goals and protocols, it's not that complicated. Just BYO meal prep everywhere and don't eat what you can't have.