Yom HaShoah 2013
-Yom HaShoah siren commemorating the Holocaust in Jerusalem -HUC-JIR Holocaust Memorial Ceremony
European Parliament Holocaust Memorial IBA 2013
Commémoration YOM HASHOAH (7 avril 2013)
Olga Vilko - Yom HaShoah 2013
Thornhill Community Shul - Yom HaShoah Rememberance Evening RECUT (2013 04 07)
Yom Hashoah
UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on Yom HaShoah (PLAYTIME 14:58 - Addresses AIPAC - March 2013)
Holocaust Survivor's Story April 8 2013 part 1 of 2
Yom HaShoah 2013
Holocaust Memorial Candle Lighting, "Ani Ma'amin" piano, Yom HaShoah by Sheerit HaPleitah Chicago
Lauri Regan's Yom Hashoah Speech April 27, 2014 Iranian Mission NYC
Holocaust Rememberance 2013,Yom Hashoah Community at Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge, CA
yom hazikaron 2013 STL
Leo Martin March of the Living - 2013
E. Randol Schoenberg LAMOTH Yom HaShoah speech 2010
Moshe Fiszman, Yom Hashoah 2013 Commemoration - Melbourne, Australia.
23 November 2013
Sonoma Relay for Life 2013 - Luminaria Slide Show
St. Luke's Remembers: Yom Hashoah
Temple Oseh Shalom, "Yom HaShoah" Holocaust Memorial Service April 19, 2013
Sheérit HaPleitah of Metropolitan Chicago's 2013 Yom HaShoah Commemoration part2