Sonic Frontiers - GTX 1660 Super / Ryzen 3 3100 16gb RAM

Sonic Frontiers - GTX 1660 Super / Ryzen 3 3100 16gb RAM

Many people complain about stuttering in this game but honestly i haven't come across anything, but please, be aware that some people might have problem with the game... i'm uploading this little gameplay with my specs so you make yourself an idea about how well or bad is it going to run on your system if you have a similar one... i've been playing around 4 hours already and haven't come across a single frame drop... Btw: I skipped all the cutscenes to avoid the spoilers to people watching the benchmark, and also, every signle cutscene in this game is limited to 30fps with really weird graphics (kinda like a bad compressed video), so be aware of that too, i won't waste time benchmarking cutscenes limited to 30 fps... If you have any question feel free to leave them in the comment box below!