Overwatch 2 All Hero Victory Poses With New Hero Skin Look in OW2 Beta 2
Overwatch 2 Beta 2 is out and every hero has an option to select a new hero skin look, not counting Sojourn or Junker Queen. In this video, I show every Overwatch hero's victory pose they have with their new hero skin look in OW2 Beta 2. Junker Queen and Sojourn only have one victory pose for now unfortunately. What was really great about editing this video was making sure every Overwatch hero's victory pose was centered because they are not and a lot of them weren't. It wasn't too bad with the side by side old vs new comparison but just the sole hero victory pose was pretty annoying to center. That's why you will see weird coloring on the sides of the screen sometimes. Hopefully it isn't too distracting. 0:00 DVA 1:30 DOOMFIST 3:10 JUNKER QUEEN 3:20 ORISA 4:50 REINHARDT 6:20 ROADHOG 7:50 SIGMA 9:10 WINSTON 10:40 WRECKING BALL 12:10 ZARYA 13:50 ASHE 15:20 BASTION 16:40 CASSIDY 18:10 ECHO 19:40 GENJI 21:10 HANZO 22:50 JUNKRAT 24:30 MEI 26:00 PHARAH 27:30 REAPER 29:20 SOJOURN 29:30 SOLDIER 76 31:10 SOMBRA 32:40 SYMMETRA 34:10 TORBJORN 35:50 TRACER 37:30 WIDOWMAKER 39:00 ANA 40:20 BAPTISTE 41:30 BRIGITTE 43:00 LUCIO 44:40 MERCY 46:30 MOIRA 48:00 ZENYATTA 49:30 END All New Hero Skin Looks 360°: • Overwatch 2 All New Hero Skin Looks 3... All New Old vs. New Hero Skin Looks 360°: • Overwatch 2 All New Hero Skin Looks 3... All Hero Highlight Intros with New Hero Looks: • Overwatch 2 All Hero Highlight Intros... All Hero Old vs. New Victory Poses: • Overwatch 2 All Hero Victory Poses Si... All Hero New Golden Weapons: • Overwatch 2 All Heroes New Golden Gun... All Hero Old vs. New Golden Weapons: • Overwatch 2 Side Comparison All New G... #OW2 #Overwatch2 #Overwatch