9 ATTITUDES that make you lose respect | STOICISM
Do you feel like people don't take you seriously or lose respect for you for no apparent reason? In this video, we explore 9 attitudes that can make you lose respect and how to avoid them with the principles of stoicism. 9 ATTITUDES that Make You LOSE RESPECT | STOICISM / @ElGuerreroEstoico Follow us / @elguerreroestoico / elguerreroestoico / elguerreroestoico / elguerreroestoico Musical Setting: 🔻 'Ephemera' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au 🔺 TAGS: #stoicism #stoic #philosophy #reflection #reflections #marcusaurelius #seneca #epictetus #Meditations #AncientPhilosophy #personaldevelopment#stoicism #stoic #philosophy #reflection #reflections #marcusaurelius #seneca #epictetus