Am I Pregnant or is it My Period? Navigating Signs and Symptoms - Dr Lora Shahine

Am I Pregnant or is it My Period? Navigating Signs and Symptoms - Dr Lora Shahine

This video provides information about miscarriage and first-trimester bleeding. You'll learn about why first-trimester bleeding is common, the vascular changes in your body, implantation bleeding, subchorionic hematomas, ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies, and more. 🖤 NEWSLETTER: 🖤 FOLLOW ME ON: ▫️ INSTAGRAM →   / drlorashahine   ▫️ TIKTOK →   / drlorashahine   🖤 ADD ME: ▫️TWITTER →   / drlorashahine   ▫️ FACEBOOK →   / drlorashahine   ▫️ PODCAST → ▫️ WEBSITE → ----------------------------------- LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE * ----------------------------------- ABOUT : Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG is a reproductive endocrinologist, founder of the Center for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Pacific NW Fertility, and Associate Clinical Professor in the OBGYN Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shahine contributes to the fields of infertility and miscarriage with clinical research, writing, speaking, and educating in peer-reviewed journals, her own books and textbook chapters, and many forms of media including an active social media presence. DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a healthcare professional. Use the provided information at your own risk. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider. #drlorashahine #miscarriage #amihavingamiscarriage Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:34 After this video 1:10 First-trimester bleeding 1:57 Vascular changes 2:44 #01 Implantation bleeding 3:27 #02 Cervical bleeding 4:46 #03 Subchorionic hematoma 6:32 #04 Ectopic pregnancy 7:16 #05 Molar pregnancy 7:36 So many causes 8:01 How can you know for sure? 9:00 Transvaginal ultrasound 10:24 Most of the time 10:34 Not broken 11:06 Outro am i having a miscarriage, am i having a miscarriage first trimester bleeding, blood clot miscarriage early pregnancy, what does miscarriage bleeding look like, cause of bleeding during early pregnancy, am i having a miscarriage or is it my period, First period after miscarriage, First period post miscarriage, Menstrual cycle after miscarriage, first period after miscarriage, period after miscarriage, symptoms of miscarriage,signs of miscarriage,early miscarriage symptoms,what are the symptoms of a miscarriage,signs of early miscarriage,signs of pregnancy loss,symptoms of pregnancy loss, am i having a miscarriage or is it my period Dr Lora Shahine