일론머스크가 생각하는 방법 | 1원칙 사고법
Translated by HM 영상 출처 (미번역) : 인터뷰 년도 : 2022년 DISCLAIMER - The copyright of the original video belongs to the original copyright holder - We check the copyright permission through the YouTube system, and if it is not confirmed within the system, we proceed with the translation work in the process of seeking permission through separate e-mails - The Korean subtitles of the video were added within the scope of not distorting the contents of the original video in order to share the valuable video with more Korean viewers - The purpose of this video is ONLY for the public good, such as education, motivation, or sharing of ideas with a wider public, and is not used for any additional purpose In particular, there is NO revenue generated through YouTube AT ALL - If you(copyright holder) request deletion, removal, correction, etc in any reasons caused by uploading the video, please contact us at 'businessnewsdaily@naver com' and we will make corrections accordingly