Jesus Grace Ministries|Highlights of Christmas Service| Dec 25,2022| Glory to God!
Greetings to all viewers and subscribers in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are very happy to introduce ourselves through the Jesus Grace Ministries, NUZVID. The Almighty and Head of the Armies has anointed Pastor Deva Vara Prasad Garu who has been in the ministry for the Past 30 years and has been instrumental in guiding many souls to the feet of Christ. Here at JGM, people share their testimonials of having experienced a great deliverance, healing, breakthroughs and divine intervention. We indeed give glory to our Lord Jehova that we are blessed with such powerful anointing in the amazing spirit - filled worshipping sessions led by Sister Kavitha Prasad garu and Ground breaking powerful sermons of revival by Pastor Depuri Deva Vara Prasad Garu. We take a great delight in inviting you to our JESUS GRACE MINISTRIES as it is said in John 1:39 "Come and See" to experience the same deliverance and healing. May the Almighty guide you in taking the right steps for your salvation and your loved ones. Regards JGM #JGM #Teluguchristian #Christmas #Jesusgraceministriesnuzvid