These 8 Foods That Will Kill Your Dogs
These 8 Foods That Will Kill Your Dogs !! There are a lot of food products that humans can share with their canines without the fear of adverse health consequences. On the other hand, some food items can be extremely dangerous for a dog's health that even led to death. We know how much dogs love to eat as they have a voracious appetite; you still must save them from eating deadly foods. To avoid any medical emergency, we have listed 8 food items that can kill your dog or make them extremely sick. All these food products are a big part of our diet but shouldn't be fed to the canines. Moreover, in case of accidental feeding, we would suggest that you take your pet dog to the doctor as soon as possible to reverse the adversities. Chocolate: Chocolate is one of the most common toxins that cause potential health issues in canines of all ages. Basically, chocolate contains a toxic compound, theobromine that can induce cardiac arrhythmias and dysfunctional central nervous system in canines. The most dangerous chocolates for dogs are semisweet chocolate, dark chocolate and sugar-free baker's chocolates. On the other hand, white chocolate and milk chocolate are mildly dangerous for pooches. According to the vet, the toxicity depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the dog and the amount of chocolate consumed. Potato: Although the potato seems a friendly and well-loved vegetable by humans, it can be a big red signal for canines. Potatoes contain Solanine, a toxic compound that blocks a chemical in canines called acetylcholine. Dogs use acetylcholine to transmit nerve impulses in the body. Many potatoes can cause irreplicable issues in the dogs' intestinal tracts and central nervous system. Avoid giving your dog unripe or green potatoes as it contains the highest amount of Solanine. In case of potato consumption, you should talk to the dog's vet immediately. Garlic: Garlic belongs to the family of foods that are extremely toxic for dogs. Garlic contains a dangerous substance known as thiosulfate that damages the red blood cells found in dogs' bodies. Although a large amount of garlic is required for onsetting health adversities, a few Japanese breeds can get extremely sick with just a little amount of garlic. We recommend that you not feed anything with garlic to your dog just to be on the safer side. Besides that, do not feed the canine with food containing garlic too. Avocado: Dogs should never be given avocado because it contains a deadly compound known as Persin. Even a small amount of avocado can cause fluid retention in the chest and lungs of the canines. This retention can lead to breathing difficulty and pressure in the chest. In the worst-case scenario, oxygen depletion increases to such an extent, ultimately taking the canine's life. The compound Persin is present in all parts of the avocado, including the leaves, pit, bark, and fruit. Keep avocadoes as far as possible from the dogs. Not just that, but also hide the avocado oil from the canines. Xylitol: Xylitol is the alternative to the sugar found in many human foods like chewing gum, candy, and other baked sweet products. It is extremely toxic to dogs and causes health havoc by instantly releasing insulin that can put the canines into a coma within 15 or 20 minutes of consumption. To keep the toxicity under control, doctors advise the pet parents to feed the dogs with sugar and honey on the way to the hospital to boost their sugar levels. We also recommend following this step if the vet is instructed for it. Limes and lemon: Lemon and lime can be extremely dangerous for dogs. The skin of both lemon and lime contains a substance known as psoralen, which can be very dangerous to dogs' health. Moreover, the substance causes severe gastrointestinal issues like vomiting along with diarrhea. If, unfortunately, the dogs consume lemon in large amount, expect more serious symptoms like muscle tremors, trouble walking, liver failure, and even death. Nutmeg: Doctors forbid owners to give dogs any product that contains nutmeg. The reason behind stopping the owners because nutmeg possesses a toxic compound known as myristicin. Due to the abundance of this compound in nutmeg, dogs may suffer from disorientation, heightened heart rate, elevated blood pressure, dry mouth, stomachache, and even seizures. Keep it away from dogs and stop them from consuming all food items that contain nutmeg. Also Watch These Videos: SUPERFOODS That Make You Live Longer: • SUPERFOODS That Make You Live Longer 8 Simple Home Remedies for Cracked Heels and Dry Feet: • 8 Simple Home Remedies for Cracked He... 6 Early Warning Signs Of Miscarriage: • 6 Early Warning Signs Of Miscarriage 7 Effective Health Benefits of Leeks: • 7 Effective Health Benefits of Leeks #dogfood #health #naturallifehacks