gur walay chawal|gur walay chawal ki recipe|گڑ والے چاول بنانے کا طریقہ|Methy chawal by FASS FOOD

gur walay chawal|gur walay chawal ki recipe|گڑ والے چاول بنانے کا طریقہ|Methy chawal by FASS FOOD

God has created man with unlimited abilities 😇 Assalamu alaikum welcome to all of you our new channel (Fass Food Secrets) i am not chef but i m here to those who do not even know how to cook.So M gonna tell with all of you my very simple and delicious recipes cecrets . This channel would be a fruitful for our viewers. Be the light in life 😇 #gurwalaychawal #gurwalaychawalkirecipe #گڑ والے چاول بنانے کا طریقہ