The Use of Oral Screen in Children Patients with Mouth Breathing Habit: A Case Report

The Use of Oral Screen in Children Patients with Mouth Breathing Habit: A Case Report

Authors: Gusti Agung Intan Pratiwi, Meirina Gartika Abstract: Bad habits of mouth breathing can affect the development and growth of the childrens #craniofacial and #dentofacial. The use of an oral screen appliance will be able to help eliminate the bad habit of mouth breathing. Case Report: An 11-years-old girl came to #UniversitasPadjadjaran #Dental Hospital with the purpose of having her teeth cleaned. The patient has a bad habit of mouth breathing, protrusive #maxillary teeth, and lip incompetence thus causing a profile shape change. An #intraoral examination found a high palate, 9 mm overbite, and 14 mm overjet. An oral screen appliance was then used as a treatment. After five months of usage time, the lips were able to be closed together, 3 mm overbite, and 14 mm #overjet. Discussion: #OralScreens were in contact with the maxillary incisors thus the muscle pressure actively concentrated in the maxillary incisors. Also, oral screen produces a lingual pressure on the maxillary teeth and the teeth inclination. Substantial #occlusal relationship changes may occur, which can reduce the overbite and overjet. The effect of using an oral screen on the incisors often associated with changes in the muscle activity. Conclusion: The oral screen was effective for improving the bad habits of mouth breathing. #BadOralHabits, #mouthBreathing, #oralScreen #UniversitasPadjadjaranDentalHospital