First Presbyterian Church of Milford 11/27/2022

First Presbyterian Church of Milford 11/27/2022

Church 11/27/2022 5:39 Prelude "O Rest in the Lord" 10:05 "Lighting of the Advent Candle - Hope 11:50 Call to Worship 12:40 Opening Hymn "Sleepers, Wake! A Voice Astounds Us" 16:45 Call to Confession 18:43 Passing of The Peace 19:20 Choral Anthem "I've Got Peace Like a River" 21:25 Youth Moment 23:55 Scripture Reading Isaiah 2, 1-5 Matthew 24, 36-44 38:45 Hymn of Commitment "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" 42:35 Offertory "The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want" 43:45 Prayers of The People 49:36 Sending Hymn "Rejoice! Rejoice, Believers" 52:02 Postlude "Like a Lamb Who Needs the Shepherd"