You’re Removing Backgrounds WRONG - TRY THIS!

You’re Removing Backgrounds WRONG - TRY THIS!

🔥Learn to Create Photoshop Concept Art with Red’s Full Course: ► In this full-length video tutorial Red will show you (quite possibly) the FASTEST and EASIEST way to cut out backgrounds in Photoshop! A truly revolutionary technique! 😲 ▶️ MENTIONED VIDEOS ► Cut out Trees Tutorial:    • A NEW (BETTER) Way to Cut Out Trees i...   ► Select & Mask Tutorial:    • How to Select & Mask ANYTHING in Phot...   🔥 GET 100 FREE FIGURE STOCKS (Instant Download): ► Big Bad Figure Pack (FREE): 🔥 BEST SITE FOR STOCK PHOTOS + OVERLAYS ► Photo Manipulation [dot com]: 🔥 OUR PHOTOSHOP TRAINING COURSES ► Photoshop Video Training Bundles: 📸 VIDEO STOCK RESOURCES ► Adobe Stock: Tree: (File 14698513), Fire: (File 201029847), Mountain: (File 47693703), Cliff: (File 103648125), Clouds: (File 256354905) – ► Music by Artlist (Get 2 months FREE with this invite): 🛠️ TOOLS WE USE FOR PHOTO MANIPULATION ► Try Adobe Stock Free for 30 Days (10 Free Images): ► Adobe Creative Cloud: ► Nik Collection, Photoshop Plugin: 💵 LEARN HOW TO EARN FROM YOUR DIGITAL ART ► Earn With Your Art by Dean Samed (Kindle / Paperback): 📩 GET IN TOUCH WITH US ► Sponsorships & Business Enquiries: ⚡ JOIN OUR COMMUNITIES ► Instagram:   / photomanipulation.official   ► Facebook:   / photomanipulation.official   ► Facebook Group:   / photomanipulation.official   ► Pinterest: ⚡ CONNECT WITH REDOUANE ON SOCIAL MEDIA ► Instagram:   / naouriredouane   ► Artstation: ℹ️ABOUT PHOTO MANIPULATION We’re a team of Photoshop Artists from across the globe and we’re PASSIONATE about Digital Art and Photo Manipulation. We create Photoshop Overlays and Figure Stocks for the Stock Photography websites Photo Manipulation [dot com] & NeoStock! Our goal for this channel is to share our love for the Photo Manipulation artform through Project Tutorials, Tips, and Guides, and also to let people know about the AWESOME stock assets we create. Each Team Member is a (Pro Freelancer) specialist in their respective fields, with expertise in: Matte Painting, Concept Art, ‘Hollywood Processing’, Editorial Design, Book Cover Illustration, Publishing, Portraiture, Photography, 3D, and Environmental Design! We really hope you enjoy the work we do here. If you got a kick out of today’s video, please do give us a ‘Like’ and Subscribe – it costs nothing to you, and really helps our content reach the audience it will help most 🙂 Wishing you all the best with your creative adventures, Dean (Founder & CEO of NeoStock LTD and Photo Manipulation [dot com]) #photoshop #tutorial #redouanenaouri