The Top 10 BEST TORGUE Weapons in Borderlands History

The Top 10 BEST TORGUE Weapons in Borderlands History

From the Unkempt Harold to the Redline, the Flakker to the Hivel. These are the absolute BEST Torgue Weapons EVER to appear in a Borderlands game. Read-Only Farming Guide:    • How to Read-Only Farm! Borderlands 2 ...   (there's also SDK mods that can do this for you) Console Cloud Save Farming:    • A Better Way to Farm Mission Rewards ...   (Be sure to Subscribe to JiffyNano while you're there) ▸ Twitch -   / ki11ersix   ▸ Discord -   / discord   My Borderlands 3 Level 72 Mayhem 10 & 11 Builds Playlist:    • Borderlands 3 | Level 72 Mayhem 10 & ...   Outro Song: "Dvynyty" by Ki11ersix   / dyvynyty   #borderlands