Sunday Morning service  12/18/2022

Sunday Morning service 12/18/2022

Weaverville Full Gospel Church invites you to watch our live service every sunday from home with service beginning roughly at 11 am. We preach directly from the Gospel and we aren't afraid of preaching truth; there is no sugar coating in our church. #pentecostal #preachingtruth #truth #sundaychurch #sunday #church #comejustasyouare #lordweneedyou #theremnant #revivaliscoming #prayingforamerica #prayforyourpastor #Jesusislove #weaverville #trinitycounty #trinity #trinitystrong #trinitycountycalifornia #northerncalifornia #california #weaverville #fullgospel #heaven #pentecostal #gospel #worship #praisingtheLord