Notes Lectures Hero Alexander Flemming | FSc FA I Com ICS DAE English Urdu Hindi | Bhutta Academe
Notes Lectures Hero Alexander Flemming | FSc FA I Com ICS DAE English Urdu Hindi | Bhutta Academe CONTENTS OF ENGLISH SYLLABUS FA FSc part 2 2nd Year English Syllabus Chapter 1 – The Dying Sun Notes 2 – Using The Scientific Method Notes Chapter 3 – Why Boys Fail in College Notes Chapter 4 – End of Term Notes Chapter 5 – On Destroying Books Notes Chapter 6 – The Man Who Was a Hospital Notes Chapter 7 – My Financial Career Notes Chapter 8 – China’s Way to Progress Notes Chapter 9 – Hunger and Population Explosion Notes Chapter 10 – The Jewel of the World Notes Chapter 11 – First Year at Harrow Notes Chapter 12 – Hitch Hiking Across Sahara Notes Chapter 13 – Sir Alexander Fleming Notes Chapter 14 – Louis Pasteur Notes Chapter 15 – Mustafa Kamal Novel: Good Bye Mr. Chips Correction of Errors in Paragraph Phrasal Verbs / Idioms Use of Phrasal Verbs / Idioms Comprehension and Précis Writing Report Writing Essay Writing Report Writing Correction of Paragraph Comprehension and Précis Writing Essay Writing Short Essays Letter and Application Applied Grammar Narration Pair of Words Phrasal Verbs Punctuation The Language of Literary Criticism The Sentences Voices Is FSc part-2 Class Pdf Notes For English Subject the best way to pass Exams? FSc part-2 English Students are mostly afraid of the board paper of 2nd Year English. In addition, when they start to study the 2nd Year English they face the difficulty of foreign language. But when they begin the FA Part-2 English preparation unwillingly, the students of English Subject of 2nd Year come to know that there are many more lengthy chapters (subjects or units), the FSc Part-2 English students become upset. Therefore, the English notes for ICS Part-2 are the best and easiest way to cover all these things and prepare them in a short time. Can English Notes FA Part-2 help to Carry High Marks? 2nd Year English Notes FA FSc ICS Part-2 is prepared and written by the expert English teachers of the 2nd Year and the specialists of this subject. So, the teachers of F.A part-2 English Subject make these English notes as easy and simple as the 2nd Year English students want, as comprehensive and effective as the examiner of board want. The Qualities of 2nd Year Pdf Notes For English Chapters Exercises Solution & Definitions The 2nd Year English Notes FA FSc ICS in the PDF have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided by the National Curriculum. It is equipped with some qualitative and quantitative measures and skills for learning English, which is not only a sophisticated and thoughtful tool but also a means to acquire modern scientific knowledge and learning methods of Language learning. The contents of these 2nd Year English Notes include various genres such as poems, short stories, autobiographies, and essays. Topics force young minds to critically analyze. The contents of FSc Part-2 English Notes will definitely interest the FA Part-2 students of the English subject. English Notes activities will definitely help you improve your English skills. Throughout the book, special attention has been paid to moral and ethical values. 2nd Year Pdf Notes For English Solved Exercises for All chapters For Class XI Intermediate English Book 1 & 3 Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore Short Stories 1. Button, Button 2. Clearing in the Sky 3. Dark they were, and Golden Eyedut 4. Thank you, M‟am 5. The Piece of String 6. The Reward 7. The Use of Force 8. The Gulistan of Sadi 9. The Foolish Quack 10. A Mild Attack of Locusts 11. I Have a Dream 12. The Gift of Magi 13. God be Praised 14. Overcoat 15. The Angel and The Author and Others Plays 1. Heat Lightning 2. Visit to a Small Planet 3. The Oyster and the Pearl Poems 1. The Rain 2. Night Mail 3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now 4. O Where are You Going? 5. In the Street of the Fruit Stalls 6. Sindhi Women 7. Times 8. Ozymandias 9. The Feed 10. The Hollow Men 2 11. Leisure 12. Ruba‟iyat 13. A Tale of Two Cities 14. My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! 15. He Came to Know Himself 16. God‟s Attributes 17. The Delight Song 18. Love – an Essence of All Religions 19. A Man of Words and Not of Deeds 20. In Broken Images RECOMMENDED REFERENCE B Punjab University, Tips of FSc English, Self Writing, The best Academe of FA BS English in Lahore, FA English literature scope in pakistan, FA English Notes, LLb English Notes, English Paper B, FSC English Essay Notes, FA English Syllabus, I Com English Notes, Bhutta Academe, Idiom, Essay Writing, DAE English Notes, Matric English Grammar, Mk Bhutta, ICS English Notes, Multi Questions Answers, the most important questions of fa english, ba english literature class, scope of english, english grammar, how to get good job after BS English, english language career in india, jobs in pakistan, Bhutta Academy, #NotesLecturesHeroAlexanderFlemming#FAFScBAADPB.ComBSGrammar#BhuttaAcademe#