Delicious Superfood Sourdough Bagels with Home Milled Wheat, Diastatic Malt Powder & Maple Syrup

Delicious Superfood Sourdough Bagels with Home Milled Wheat, Diastatic Malt Powder & Maple Syrup

Subscribe to this channel for awesome Sourdough content ‪@sourdoughforbeginners‬ Here’s the recipe I’m working with (I’m using yeast to speed up the process, you can omit it and increase rise time if you like): Triple Batch 220g Active Starter 10g Instant Yeast 750g Water 40g Maple Syrup 80g Brown Sugar 30g Salt 200g Home Milled Wheat Berries 25g Chia Seeds 25g Diastatic Malt Powder 75g Milled Flaxseed 1200g All Purpose Flour Single Batch 100g Active Starter 7g Instant Yeast 250g Water 15g Maple Syrup 25g Brown Sugar 10g Salt 70g Home Milled Wheat Berries 25g Chia Seeds 25g Diastatic Malt Powder 50g Milled Flaxseed 330g All Purpose Flour Mix all ingredients together, knead until smooth, rise until fully doubled, shape, rise again until puffy, water bath, bake at 425F 25-30min until browned. EBook with Original Bagel Recipe: $20 off Bosch Stand Mixer at Checkout through this link: $20 off Impact Grain Mill at Checkout through this link: Make your own Diastatic Malt Powder:    • Diastatic Malt Powder DIY Process exp...   #sourdough #flourmillingforbeginners #homemilledwheat #recipe #bagels