AIIMS Raipur Nursing Exam 31/08/2019 2nd shift Answer Key
AIIMS Raipur Nursing Exam 31/08/2019 2nd shift Answer Key This is memory-based questions only so original questions may have some changes from these questions. The answer key given here for reference purpose only, official answer key not yet published, for that keep watch on AIIMS Raipur official website Please Join With Us Facebook: / thenewnurse Telegram: https://t.me/the_nurse Twitter: / the_new_nurse *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Disclaimer: "The views and opinions expressed in the videos on this channel are those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of "The Nurse". The information presented in these videos is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be professional advice. "The Nurse" is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of these videos."