THE LAST OF US PART 2 PS4 Gameplay PART 28 - STEALING WLF BOAT | No Commentary
THE LAST OF US 2 Gamplay Playstation 4 No Commentary 1080p 60fps. Includes all Chapters, Cinematics, Cutscenes, Soundtrack and all boss fights. My Singel Player Gameplay of THE LAST OF US 2 was recorded 2023 and are on a PlayStation 4 until the Ending of the Single Player Story! Thanks for watching and your support ❤️ ⬇️ FOLLOW ME ON ⬇️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MattGaming80 INSTAGRAM: MattGaming80 TWITTER: https://x.com/MattGaming80 YOUTUBE: @MattGaming80 ⬇️ STORY ⬇️ The Last Of Us Part II begins 5 years after the on-point ending to The Last Of Us, with Ellie and Joel living in Tommy’s settlement in Jackson, Wyoming. Ellie finds herself in a relationship with a girl called Dina who’s recently broken up with her boyfriend Jesse. While things are a little awkward between the trio, a big rift between Ellie and Joel has formed thanks to her finding out the truth about what Joel did with the Fireflies in the past. Believing him to be selfish and depriving her of her true purpose, Joel’s actions have far-reaching consequences which are fully realized during the game’s opening sections of gameplay. With winter upon them, Joel and Tommy go missing on a patrol prompting Ellie and Dina to head out and investigate. It’s here you control a woman named Abby for the first time, who’s saved by Joel and Tommy from a large horde of infected. ⬇️ HASHTAG ⬇️ #thelastofuspart2 #thelastofus #gaming #games #gamer #walkthrough #playthrough #thelastofuspart2gameplay