অভিশপ্ত রেস্তোরা 2 | Dreamlight Bangla | terrible Horror Story | Cursed restaurant part 2
Follow Us on Facebook_ / dreamlightbangla Follow Us on Instagram_ / dreamlightbangla ______________________________________________ Bubbletoons _ @AnimateME Animate ME_ @bubbletoonsbangla6224 All the characters in this story are fictional. There is no connection with the dead or the living or religion. --------------------------------------------------------- অভিশপ্ত রেস্তোরা 2 | Dreamlight Bangla | terrible Horror Story | Cursed restaurant part 2 -------------------------------------------------------- Animation Director _ Sankar Das Production _ "Animate ME Productions" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for watching our story with your precious time. You are again invited to watch our next story. We love to receive your feedbacks and comment --------------------------------- #HindiStories #ghost #ChudailKiKahaniya #HauntedStories #HindiKahaniya #HorrorStories #SuspenseStories #crimestory #chudail #pishachini #ভূতেরগল্প #witch #chudel #horrortemple #hauntedpalace #soul #horror #horrormovie #অভিশপ্তরেস্তোরা2 #Cursedrestaurant