Service Adoration & Louange - Dimanche 9 Mars 2025 PM - Pasteur Marc Timothe Pierre
Non mwen se Marc Timothé Pierre. Bien venu sou paj nou an. Priyè ak anseyman pawol Bondye se sa nou fè nan paj sa. Nou pran tan pou nou priye paske nou kwè ke se nan priyè fos nou soti. Nou pran tan pou nou etidye la Bib pawol Bondye a paske li di nan Osee 4:6 pèp mwen an ap peri paske li manke konesans pawol la. Silvouple rele zanmi ou yo patje paj sa avèk yo. Bannou ankourajman lel peze pous monte avèk komante a et abonne. Que la Paix de Dieu vous soit donnée! Nous vous invitons à participer dans une session spéciale de Prière et d'entendre L' Oracle de Dieu pour votre Vie Personelle. Actes 17:11 LSG Ces Juifs avaient des sentiments plus nobles que ceux de Thessalonique; ils reçurent la parole avec beaucoup d’empressement, et ils examinaient chaque jour les Écritures, pour voir si ce qu’on leur disait était exact. Jean 8: 32 “ Vous connaitrez la vérité, et la vérité vous affranchira “. ASSEMBLEE EVANGELIQUE DE QUEENS Que la Paix de Dieu vous soit donnée! Nous vous invitons à participer dans une session spéciale de Prière et d'entendre L' Oracle de Dieu pour votre Vie Personelle. Chaque jour 11:30 AM & 7:30 PM Dimanche: 1:30 PM au numéro: 774 220 4000 Code d’accès: 718 123 4567 Recevez cette Bénédiction Divine! Visitez nous sur: http://gaqueens.org/ / fellowshipcommuters / gaqueens • LA DISPENSATION DE L' EGLISE ... Rev. Marc Timothé Pierre Greetings in the name of the Lord! We, at Gospel Assembly-Queens, are celebrating our 22nd Anniversary of serving God in the community, and would be honored to have you attend and be blessed with us. During our years, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in collaboration with other associations, organizations and churches, we have contributed to the development of the community in the following ways: We started and maintained a food pantry program serving over Five thousand (5000) families per month. In addition, we instituted a food delivery ministry facilitating needy home-bound individuals and families. We operate a year-round-clothing drive and a seasonal holiday toy and gift drive. We support the communities’ recent immigrant with their cultural adjustments, as they attempt to assimilate into their new American environment. We administer a dynamic youth ministry, where guidance and counseling are provided, with supervised meetings held weekly, with the objective of restricting the negative influences of drugs, alcohol and street violence, helping them to focus on the positive aspects of life, such as self-esteem, mutual respect, discipline; hence promoting altruism. We have aligned ourselves to an accredited academic institution which provides continuing academic support, guidance and supervision, giving the members of our church-community an opportunity to achieve post high-school academic certificates and/or degrees to the Associate, Bachelor, Master's and even the Doctoral levels. . We minister to inmates in prison, as well as to the sick in hospitals and nursing homes, the displaced in shelters, locally and out-of-state. We have a live 24/7 radio ministry where we provide social services while spreading the ‘Gospel of Jesus Christ’, which convincingly, is the most influential agent of change. Worship and Praise every Sunday 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM & 1:30 – 5:00 PM Fasting and Prayer every Tuesday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 7:30 – 9:30 PM Prayer and Thanksgiving every day 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM & 7:30 – 9:30 PM To participate please call 774 220-4000 Pin # 718 123 4567 YouTube: Marc Timothé Pierre. Facebook: Gospel Assembly-Queens. Website: gaqueens.org Our Pastor and Chaplain, Rev. Marc T. Pierre and his ministry has been providing spiritual guidance and counseling, facilitating conflict resolutions and mediations, together with any other community-required services. On July 12, 2024, A Special Fundraising Event will be held for GOSPEL ASSEMBLY-QUEENS at SIGHT & SOUND Theatres. A donation of $150.00 per person is solicited using Zelle at 718 690 8500 and or Cash App 917 868 7032, towards the proceeds of our Non-Profit Organization’s Community Outreach Programs. We are also appealing to be included with the other community organizations, which you already sponsor, and humbly request your financial support, now and in the future as in a mutually supporting community network. In case of your inability to attend our Fundraising Event, your generous contribution will be humbly accepted at Gospel Assembly-Queens located at 109-14 Farmers Blvd, Jamaica NY 11412. If you have any further questions, please call us at (917) 868-7032 or visit us at: www.gaqueens.org At your Service, Rev. Marc T. Pierre Pastor & Chaplain.