Trinity Lutheran Church - Quakertown, PA; Reformation Sunday 10/27/24
Please access today’s worship bulletin at:https://bit.ly/3C0PNz9 10/27/2024: Permissions Liturgies and Service Music ©2023 by Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress. [SAS License Number available upon request.] All scripture from New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (NRSV). Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE [License #A-732901], CCLI [Streaming License #CSPL046063], and CCLI [Copyright License #2408879]. “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Thy Word” Arr. Paul Manz [©1980 Concordia Publishing House] Used by permission. (Prelude: Organ Solo) “The Solid Rock” Arr. Tom Birchwood [©1995 Lorenz Publishing Company] Used by permission. (Prelude: Piano Solo) “A Mighty Fortress” (“EIN FESTE BURG”) Arr. Lani Smith [©2013 Lorenz Publishing Company/Div. of The Lorenz Corporation] Used by permission. (Prelude: Piano/Organ Duet) “O God, We Are A Church Reformed” [Text ©1998 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette; Tune: Carl Gotthelf Glaser, 1928, Arr. Lowell Mason, 1839 “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing”] Used by permission. (Gathering Hymn: Piano/Organ/Congregation) “This Is The Feast” Arr. Paul Friesen-Carper [©2015 Augsburg Fortress; Ensemble Setting of Holy Communion: Setting Six, Instrumental Parts] Used by permission: AUGSBURG FORTRESS. (Canticle of Praise: Piano/Organ/Trinity Praise Band/Congregation) “God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage” [Text and Music: Public Domain] Used by permission: PUBLIC DOMAIN. (Gospel Acclamation – ELW #509: Piano/Organ/Congregation) “If We Truly Believe” Don Besig [©1981 GlorySound/Div. of Shawnee Press, Inc.] Used by permission. (Music Ministry: Expressions of Hope! Youth Choir) “Founded On Faith” [Text and Music ©2017 Paul D. Weber/Admin. Augsburg Fortress] Used by permission: ONE LICENSE and AUGSBURG FORTRESS. (Hymn of the Day – ACS #1048: Piano/Organ/Congregation) “The Church’s One Foundation” Samuel J. Stone (Text) and Samuel S. Wesley (Tune); Arr. Jay Althouse [©1989 Harold Flammer Music, Inc./Division of Shawnee Press] Used by permission. (Offertory Music Ministry: Piano/Sounds of Praise! Chancel Choir) “Let The Vineyards Be Fruitful” (Nelson)” [Text and Music ©1978 Lutheran Book of Worship/Admin. Augsburg Fortress] Used by permission: ONE LICENSE and AUGSBURG FORTRESS. (Offertory Response – ELW #184: Piano/Organ/Congregation) “Lord, I Want To Be A Christian” Arr. Albin C. Whitworth [©1987 Glory Sound/Div. of Shawnee Press, Inc.] Used by permission. (Communion Meditation: Piano/Organ Duet) “Thankful Hearts And Voices Raise” [Text ©1978, 1995 Augsburg Fortress; Music ©1993 Augsburg Fortress] Used by permission: ONE LICENSE and AUGSBURG FORTRESS. (Post-Communion Canticle – ELW #205: Piano/Organ/Congregation) “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” [Text ©1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress; Music:Public Domain; Arrangement: Augsburg Fortress] Used by permission. (Sending Hymn – ELW #504: Piano/Organ/Congregation) Chorale and Fughetta on “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” Arr. Sharon Elery Rogers [©1967 Hope Publishing Company] Used by permission. (Postlude: Organ Solo) Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Quakertown, PA is a 501c3 organization. This channel is NOT monetized.