Dream of Being in Love with a Married Man - Meaning from Evangelist Joshua
#marrieddreams #dreamprayers #evangelistjoshuaorekhie Dream of being in love with a married is a sign of warning of temptation. You have to be more cautious with your actions this period. Because the dream is indicating that you have an interest to date married man. It may tell you that you have the spirit of lust. When a single woman, sees herself in love with a married woman in dream, she has a spirit of marine that needs to be broken, destroyed and dried up before you can be free to marry rightly. Similar videos: 💧Marrying a stranger dream meaning:    • DREAM OF MARRYING A STRANGER - Prophe...  💧Someone being engaged for marriage dream:    • 8 Reasons of Dreaming About Stars - B...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to my channel and get enlightened. If you would like to support us in the work that we are doing. You can support and partner with the ministry here: 💧https://flutterwave.com/donate/ih1dln... 💧Check my website: https://evangelistjoshua.com 💧and https://bibleandprayers.com