My Stage 4 LUNG CANCER Symptoms: "It all Happened So Fast!" | The Patient Story
Sign up for our FREE NEWSLETTER to learn more about LUNG CANCER SYMPTOMS 👉 https://tinyurl.com/23ua4mww Tiffany started having rib pain but thought it was just a pulled muscle. She then went on a hiking trip and struggled to breathe, feeling short of breath. A lingering cough led to tests and no answers. After a lung collapse and hospitalization, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at 38 with no smoking history or risk factors. 🔔 DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! Full story & transcript → https://www.thepatientstory.com/patie... Join Our Community: Sign up for our FREE website: https://thepatientstory.com/ Facebook: / thepatientstory Instagram: / thepatientstory Twitter: / patient_story Tik Tok: / patientstory #lcsm #lungcancer #nonsmallcelllungcancer #lungcancersymptoms #LivingWithLungCancer #whiteribbonproject #cancerstories #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #patientstories #thepatientstory #stage4cancer #stage4lung