Sunday Gathering | October 15, 2023 | The Power of Forgiveness and Ancestral Healing

Sunday Gathering | October 15, 2023 | The Power of Forgiveness and Ancestral Healing

Is it possible to create more peace on the planet? What does that require of us? This talk will cover a few thoughts about how we can create bridges between cultures and people through the power of forgiveness and cross-cultural education. Drawing upon her experience as a South Asian woman born in England and raised in Canada, Emmy Chahal will discuss how integrating different aspects of our identity and our spirituality can make us feel more whole. As we embrace all parts of ourselves, we can find common ground with others. As we feel into our inherent worth and light, we are able to treat others with more kindness and grace. Through the power of self-compassion and compassion for others, we can start to heal societal divides that go back a long way, in order to create a more peaceful and equitable future for all. 0:00 Words of Welcome Opening Song: You are a Song, Mirabai Ceiba -    • Mirabai Ceiba - You Are A Song ( Offi...   5:12 The Power of Forgiveness and Ancestral Healing Metta Meditation: 19:27 Words of Parting Closing Song: Mul Mantra, by Snatam Kaur -    • Snatam Kaur - Mul Mantra - Ek Ong Kar   #forgiveness #spirituality #lettinggo #courseinmiracles #multicultural