GTA Online: After Hours Tier 4 Challenge Guide (Tips, Tricks, and More)

GTA Online: After Hours Tier 4 Challenge Guide (Tips, Tricks, and More)

I give some tips, tricks, and strategies you can use to complete the After Hours Tier 4 challenge in GTA Online. This one is fairly straightforward aside from a couple of annoying platinum awards. 🔒 Get 3 Months of the #1 rated VPN for FREE by using my referral link: 📌 CONTACT ME Twitter:   / ghillieyt   Discord:   / discord   Xbox Gamertag: R8 Ghillie Business Inquiries: [email protected] 🥇 Become a member here to get some exclusive perks:    / @ghilliemaster   📃 CREW INSTRUCTIONS 1. Join the Discord   / discord   and see the mstr requests channel for further instruction! 5️⃣ TOP 5 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Upload UNEDITED clip to YouTube as Unlisted 2. Email the video link to [email protected] along with a line saying "I give GhillieMaster permission to use this clip in a video..." with the subject line containing the theme of the submission. Also write what name you want to be called by in the video. CURRENT THEME: No More Themes! Send me any kill