The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct [Part 10 Alt Path Finale][No Commentary] (PC 2013)

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct [Part 10 Alt Path Finale][No Commentary] (PC 2013)

In this part, the finale for the alt paths, where aside from picking the pregnant woman to "save" over the old man and two others, it largely plays out the same, but faster and very slightly different lines of dialogue. Was the game worth it full price? 10 hours game time split across 2 playthroughs and bit into herd mode, $50 dollars plus $5 plus the tax making the total price around $60? No. It was not, but it's not as bad as everyone made it out to be back in the day. Last part will be the herd mode dlc showcase bonus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taken from the Wiki: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a first-person shooter video game based on AMC's The Walking Dead. The game was developed by Terminal Reality and published by Activision. It has been released on March 19, 2013 in North America, March 21, 2013 in Australia, March 27, 2013 in New Zealand, and March 22, 2013 in Europe. The game acts as a prequel to the TV series revolving around Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle on a haunting, unforgiving quest to make their way to the supposed safety of Atlanta. Players will control Daryl as they attempt to avoid detection from zombies that hunt using sight, sound, and smell and will choose between fighting them or using stealth to avoid detection. According to Activision, "No place is truly safe for Daryl as he makes his way through the Georgia countryside in this new, post-apocalyptic world." Supplies will be scarce and players will need to carefully manage rations, ammunition and supplies as they make their way through the game. Daryl will encounter a slew of other characters along the way that can help or hurt him. Whether or not these characters accompany Daryl is completely up to the player and represents just some of the major decisions that will constantly be made while fighting to survive.