आँवला और कच्ची हल्दी की सब्जी| Healthy Amla and Fresh Turmeric Sabji |आँवला और कच्ची हल्दी का अचार
आँवला और कच्ची हल्दी की सब्जी| Healthy Amla and Turmeric sabji |आँवला और कच्ची हल्दी का अचार |हल्दी का अचार Healthy and delicious winter special Indian Gooseberry and fresh turmeric pickle/ Stir fry. You can make this pickle with minimum ingredients and serve this kachchi haldi and Amla pickle with rice, daal , khichdi or any paratha or roti of your choice. Hi ! I am Anjana Chaturvedi, welcome to my youtube channel - Maayeka ! All my recipes are Satvic- cooked without using onion and garlic If you like my recipes then please like and SUBSCRIBE to my channel and press the bell button for regular updates of my new recipes every week My Recipe Playlists- 1- No Onion Garlic Recipes- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0pCm... 2- Sabzi and Curries- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvs13... 3- Snacks Recipes- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQPrL... 4- Chutney and Pickles- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04is-... 5- Fasting Recipes/ Vrat ka khana- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO1u9... 6- Sweets and Desserts- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaX0Q... You can also follow me on- My website - https://maayeka.com/ Twitter - / maayeka Facebook Page - / maayeka Instagram - / maayeka Pinterest - / maayeka #amlahaldipickle#amlapickle #haldipickle #amlasabji #freshturmericpickle #haldikisabji #maayekarecipes