Beyond the Walls Online Church MAR 13 2022

Beyond the Walls Online Church MAR 13 2022

Sandra Byrne of Independence, Missouri, brings the message this Sunday on the theme: “Count the Stars,” exploring Genesis 15:1-12,17-18, God’s Covenant with Abram. The Beyond the Walls Choir will premiere hymn CCS 257 “Standing on the Promises.” Our Peace Lesson will be taught by Lily Maiau from Tahiti and Ron Raynes will teach our Living Church Lesson from Eugene, Oregon. George Mechling will offer our invocation, John Morgan of Brampton, Ontario, will read our Call to Worship, and Isabelle Williams of Didsbury, Alberta, will read our Lectionary Scripture. PRELUDE: "Le pastour" & "Petites litanies de Jésus" from L'almanach aux images by Gabriel Grovlez HYMN: CCS 102 - Earth and All Stars GLOBAL WELCOME: O Son of Man, Who Walked Each Day (Grey Hymnal 193) HYMN: CCS 257 - Standing on the Promises POSTLUDE: II. Allegretto From Piano Sonata No. 14 in C Minor (Op. 27 No. 2) by Ludwig van Beethoven Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EST / 11:00 am CST / 10:00 am MST / 9:00 am PST. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Beyond the Walls is brought to you by Toronto Congregation of Community of Christ. We are a non-dogmatic church open to interfaith and skeptical perspectives. We reject literal interpretations of scripture. We welcome and affirm all gender identities and expressions. We offer open communion to online attendees of all religious affiliations and spiritual types. Our mission is to invite everyone into community, to continually learn & grow, to abolish poverty & end needless suffering, to pursue peace everywhere, and to live life meaningfully together. Support our mission at Beyond the Walls est un service de culte en ligne offrant un ministère en direct à partir de lieux situés dans le monde entier. Notre congrégation mondiale se réunit chaque dimanche à 12h00 EST / 11h00 CST / 10h00 MST / 9h00 PST. Tous sont les bienvenus à ce service religieux inclusif. Beyond the Walls vous est présenté par Communauté du Christ Toronto. Nous sommes une église non dogmatique ouverte aux perspectives interconfessionnelles et sceptiques. Nous rejetons les interprétations littérales des Écritures. Nous accueillons et affirmons toutes les identités et expressions de genre. Nous offrons une communion ouverte aux participants en ligne de toutes les affiliations religieuses et de tous les types spirituels. Notre mission est d'inviter tout le monde en communauté, d'apprendre et de se développer continuellement, d'abolir la pauvreté et de mettre fin aux souffrances, de rechercher la paix partout, et de vivre ensemble de manière significative. Soutenez notre mission sur #onlineworship #onlinechurch #cofchrist