प्रेगनेंसी में नाभि का बाहर आना,अंदर रहना किस बात का संकेत है ? Navel During Pregnancy

प्रेगनेंसी में नाभि का बाहर आना,अंदर रहना किस बात का संकेत है ? Navel During Pregnancy

प्रेगनेंसी में नाभि का बाहर आना,अंदर रहना,खुजली,कालापन किस बात का संकेत है ? Navel During Pregnancy Also SUBSCRIBE my baby care channel.. Reshu's Baby Care    / reshusbabycare   Hi Friends. I am Reshu. Welcome to my YouTube channel Reshu's vlogs. About this video- गर्भावस्था के दौरान, आप अपने पेट को बढ़ने से नहीं रोक सकतें हैं और ठीक इसी प्रकार आप अपनी नाभि को बाहर आने और उसे आउटी बनने से नहीं रोक सकते। कुछ लोगों की नाभि अंदर और कुछ कि बाहर की ओर होती है, यहां तक कि गर्भावस्था से पहले भी। आपकी नाभि का वास्तविक आकार यह तय नहीं करता है कि यह होगा या नहीं या गर्भावस्था के दौरान यह कितना बाहर की ओर निकलेगा। ठीक इसी प्रकार, हो सकता है आप गर्भावस्था के दौरान भी नाभि के बाहर की ओर निकलने का अनुभव ना करें। यह सभी स्थितियां पूरी तरह से सामान्य है। तो आज आप जानेंगे की नाभि बाहर आने से लड़का लड़की होने का जो मिथक है क्या वो सच है? Queries solved - 1- nabhi change in pregnancy 2- nabhi line in pregnancy in hindi 3- pregnancy me pet ki line 4- pregnancy me pet kam nikalna 5- garbh me ladka hone ki pehchan 6- pregnancy me nabhi ka uper aana 7- pregnancy me nabhi ka bahar nikalna 8- pregnancy me nabhi ka upar aana 9- nabhi change in pregnancy 10- Baby Gender Prediction From Belly Button ➡️ Subscribe and Stay Tuned Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos on Pregnancy care routine. About this channel- If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, this channel is for you! Having a baby can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be a time of uncertainty. Many parents have questions and concerns as they face all the changes that pregnancy brings. With advice coming from everyone, it is tough to know who to listen to. That is why having accurate information is so important! It will help you to make good decisions about how to take care of yourself before, during and after your pregnancy. Our social Links- Instagram-.   / reshusvlogs   Facebook-   / reshusvlogs2   For business & Collab requests email me- E-mail-. [email protected] "Reshu's Vlogs is a channel created to share personal experiences with it’s audiences, none of the recommendations of this channel are sponsored by any company or product. We do not endorse any particular brand or company. We also are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication or trying any remedy suggested in our videos. As each pregnancy is different recommendations on this channel may not work for you, and should not be considered as an excuse to not visit your doctor or consult a medical practitioner." #pregnancy #pregnant #baby #newborn #motherhood #maternity #love #babygirl #momtobe #babyboy #momlife #family #babyshower #birth #babybump #mom #weekspregnant #babies #maternityphotography #postpartum #photography #pregnantbelly #mumtobe #breastfeeding #maternityshoot #parenting #pregnancyannouncement #mama #infertility #babyboy