Deconstructing I Me Mine - The Beatles (Isolated Tracks)
"I Me Mine" was introduced to the group the on January 8th during the Get Back sessions. As heard in the Get Back documentary," Ringo: Did you watch the ABC2 thing? George: Yeah, there was that science fiction thing. MLH: Was the science fiction any good? George: It was amazing. Did you see any of it? MLH: I only saw the last five, three minutes of it. George: It started to be very strange where they brought a... They had a fellow on a trolley and they pushed him in like a cupboard or a fridge. Ringo: Yeah, he was the body, wasn't he? George: He was just like a body, yeah, that they were going to use. And they did something. They were supposed to be in the year 2100 or something. And they went back to 1969, January, focused in on the M1, on this car, and made him crash. And then they somehow take his mind, or whatever it is, and transplant it into this new... into the body. Rex Industries, they were called. And then suddenly it turned into all that crap about medals and things. That's what gave me the idea, because suddenly it was the bit where they were all coming into the ball, I think it was Austria, and they all had their medals. And there was some music was just playing. Music like a 3/4 thing. And so I just had that in there, just the waltz thing, and it was fitting, 'I, Me, Mine' there were no words to it." George elaborated further in his autobiographic memoir of the same name, "'Who am I?' became the order of the day. Anyway that's what came out of it: 'I Me Mine.' The truth within us has to be realized: when you realize that everything else that you see and do and touch and smell isn't real, then you may know what reality is, and can answer the question 'Who am I?'” George then played the song to Ringo and Paul on John's Epiphone guitar. John seemed dismissive of the song when George played it to him, however this may just have been John's dry wit. As a little while later John does ask what he could play on the song. They then went through the song again 5 times that day. The song at this point having a flamingo style bridge. However with more rehearsal during the day the "I I Me Me Mine" 12-bar blues bridge of the final version did materialize. This can be heard in the Let It Be film although the flamingo style part was still present. "I Me Mine" was also the best developed song in terms of the planned show. With the group showing great enthusiasm for it's planned inclusion. John seemingly tasked with dancing instead of playing an instrument. However after this the song wouldn't be worked on again. One year after the Get Back sessions on January 3rd, 1970 the song would finally be properly recorded. With John having quietly left the group in September it only featured George, Ringo, and Paul. Although this wasn't out of the norm for John to not participate. Some accounts do show that the band did try to get John for the session, but he was out on holiday in Denmark at the time. The basic track had George's acoustic guitar on track 4, Paul's bass on track 3, and Ringo's drums on track 1 and 2 later being combined onto track 8. Further overdubs included electric guitar and a vocal overdub on track 2 which was only the last line, vocals on track 7, organ on track 6, and electric piano and the doubled acoustic guitars on track 5. Phil Spector then came in and with George supervising did a rough mix of the song. Then on April 1, 1970 the song was extended repeating the last verse and bridge. Strings, brass, and choir were then added this happening the same day "Across the Universe" and "The Long and Winding Road" received the same treatment. However the orchestra was mixed much quieter than it's counterparts. The stems have been cut down to their original runtimes. Consider supporting me on Patreon and get access to Beatle stems: / isolatedstems Subscribe for more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beginning (0:00) Basic Track Acoustic Guitar (0:27) Drums (1:59) Bass (3:23) Vocals (4:56) Last Double Tracked Line (6:15) Acoustic Overdub (6:21) Electric Guitar Overdub 1 (7:18) Electric Guitar Overdub 2 (7:50) "I I Me Me Mine" Electric Guitar (8:17) Organs/Electric Pianos (8:36) Strings (9:59) Choir (11:47) Brass (12:38) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Harrison - Lead Vocals, Acoustic Guitar (1968 Gibson J-200), Electric Guitar (1965 Epiphone ES-230TD Casino) Paul McCartney - Bass (1964 Rickenbacker 4001 S), Electric Piano (1964 Hohner Pianet C), Organ (Hammond RT-3 w/ Leslie 145 cabinet), Acoustic Guitar (1967 Martin D-28), Backing Vocals Ringo Starr - Drums (1968 Ludwig Hollywood Maple) Richard Hewson - Brass and String Arrangements John Barham - Choral Arrangement 18 musicians - violin 4 musicians - viola 4 musicians - cello 1 musician - harp 3 musicians - trumpet 3 musicians - trombones #imemine #beatles #georgeharrison #paulmccartney #thebeatles #ringostarr #letitbe