December 5, 2021 Worship Service: 2nd Sunday in Advent - The Gift of Peace Restructures Society
The Gift of Peace Restructures Society Luke 2:1-21 Pastor Mark Van Drunen Worship led by Sheri B, Sophie B, Lance G If you would like to ask questions, share prayer requests, or just let us know who you are, you can do so with our virtual connection card: https://bit.ly/ConnectingatCalvary Advent Devotional Resources can be found at: https://bit.ly/3xwTshH The Ways to Bless others page can be found at: https://bit.ly/Blessing2021Calvarywy Kids Notes Page can be found at: http://bit.ly/CalvaryWyKidsNotes The Weekly Bulletin and Prayer Page can be found at: http://www.calvarywy.org/member-info (password required) Offering information can be found here: http://www.calvarywy.org/donate Ministry of the Month is for Lighthouse Ministries: https://www.lighthousewy.org/ Contact: Shanna Grigoletti: [email protected] Calvary is a Christian Reformed Church that is focused on being a Christ-centered fellowship and lighthouse in our community. To find out more please see our website [http://www.calvarywy.org] or email [[email protected]] for more information. You can also check out our Facebook page for any recent social updates at / calvarywy Calvary is located at: 3500 Byron Center Ave. SW Wyoming MI, 49519 We are licensed for song use and video streaming through CCLI Our certificate is available for review at https://bit.ly/CalvaryCCLI