Lucid Dreaming EXPLAINED! - Charlie Morley | WFN Clips

Lucid Dreaming EXPLAINED! - Charlie Morley | WFN Clips

Watch the full interview with Charlie here 👉    • Man Travels To Another Realm: SHOCKED...   Want to learn Lucid dreaming? Watch my Masterclass: "Learn How To Become a Lucid Dreamer" in Wisdom From North Membership 👉 ===================== Explore lucid dreaming with Charlie Morley in this enlightening podcast. Lucid dreaming, where one gains awareness within a dream, offers inner exploration during sleep. Charlie delves into its benefits, likening it to hypnotherapy. Unlike out-of-body experiences (OBEs), lucid dreaming unfolds within one's mind. Charlie's perspective on OBEs evolved after a personal experience challenged his beliefs. In a lucid dream, one realizes the dream state, enabling mental adventures, enhancing creativity, learning, and memory access. It aids in psychological healing, trauma resolution, and PTSD treatment. Lucid dreaming provides insights into spiritual and subconscious realms, preparing for life's unknowns. Charlie Morley's expertise unveils the transformative power of the subconscious mind. Dive into this exploration and discover the magic of lucid dreaming. Find links to my Charlie’s official site here 👉 ==================== WATCH Full Interviews on the Main Wisdom From North Channel 👉    / wisdomfromnorth   ===================== 💙 Let's Connect! Join the community: Wisdom From North Membership ➡️ ➡️ Website: Become a Co-Creator and donate here ➡️ Thank you so much for your support! Jannecke Øinæs COPYRIGHT© 2024 ===================== 💙 Podcast Spotify ➡️ Apple ➡️ 💙 Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Jannecke Øinæs and Ragnhild Barra Wisløff. Available on Spotify