Baliwag City Holy Wednesday Lenten Procession 2024 #jesus #holyweek #semanasanta2024 #holyweek2024
The longest and grandest lenten procession in the Philippines this holywednesday with an over 120 carriages that presents the scenes in the bible about the life and passion of our savior Jesus Christ in a span of 5km. Witness this amazing happening here in Baliwag City Bulacan. #holyweek #katoliko #lent #panata #debosyon #holyweek2024 #semanasanta2024 #tradisyon #longestprocessioninthePhilippines #grandestprocessioninthePhilippines #semanasanta #holyweek #mahalnaaraw2024 #mahalnaaraw #lovephilippines #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesuscristo