October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference

October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference

October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1st Talk: "Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion" By Elder D. Todd Christofferson - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "May we bury—very, very deep—any element of rebellion against God in our lives and replace it with a willing heart and a willing mind." 2nd Talk: "Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth" By Elder José A. Teixeira - Of the Presidency of the Seventy - "As we remain bonded to the Lord, our lives will naturally reflect His light, and we will become the salt of the earth." 3rd Talk: "His Hand Ready to Help Us" By Elder Juan Pablo Villar - Of the Seventy - "As we reach out to Jesus Christ in faith, He will always be there." 4th Talk: "Welcome to the Church of Joy" By Elder Patrick Kearon - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "Because of the redeeming life and mission of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can—and should—be the most joyful people on earth!" 5th Talk: “Ye Are My Friends” By Elder David L. Buckner - Of the Seventy - "The Savior’s declaration “ye are my friends” is a clarion call to build higher and holier relationships among all of God’s children." 6th Talk: "Be Thou Clean" By Elder D. Martin Goury - Of the Seventy - "Daily repentance allows us to discern the guidance of the Lord through the Holy Ghost." 7th Talk: "The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow" By Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante - Of the Seventy "We can help others progress in their journey to receive God’s blessings." 8th Talk: "Aligning Our Will with His" By Elder Ulisses Soares - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "Following the Lord’s will in our life will enable us to find the most precious pearl in the world—the kingdom of heaven." @ComeUntoChrist @churchofjesuschrist #jesuschrist #prophets #twelveapostles #seventies #generalconference #generalconferenceoctober2024 #talks #revelation #bookofmormon #bible #doctrineandcovenants #peralofgreatprice #conferencecenter #tabernaclechoir #temple #prophetofgod #firstpresidency #twelveapostles #quorumofthetwelveapostles #seventy #presidencyoftheseventy #youngmen #youngmengeneralpresident #youngmengeneralpresidency #youngwomen #youngwomengeneralpresident #youngwomengeneralpresidency #elderdtoddchristofferson #elderchristofferson #dtoddchristofferson #elderjoséateixeira #elderteixeira #joséateixeira #elderjuanpablovillar #eldervillar #juanpablovillar #elderpatrickkearon #elderkearon #patrickkearon #elderdavidlbuckner #elderbuckner #davidlbuckner #elderdmartingoury #eldergoury #dmartingoury #elderaroldobcavalcante #eldercavalcante #aroldobcavalcante #elderulissessoares #eldersoares #ulissessoares