October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference
October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1st Talk: "Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion" By Elder D. Todd Christofferson - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "May we bury—very, very deep—any element of rebellion against God in our lives and replace it with a willing heart and a willing mind." 2nd Talk: "Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth" By Elder José A. Teixeira - Of the Presidency of the Seventy - "As we remain bonded to the Lord, our lives will naturally reflect His light, and we will become the salt of the earth." 3rd Talk: "His Hand Ready to Help Us" By Elder Juan Pablo Villar - Of the Seventy - "As we reach out to Jesus Christ in faith, He will always be there." 4th Talk: "Welcome to the Church of Joy" By Elder Patrick Kearon - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "Because of the redeeming life and mission of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can—and should—be the most joyful people on earth!" 5th Talk: “Ye Are My Friends” By Elder David L. Buckner - Of the Seventy - "The Savior’s declaration “ye are my friends” is a clarion call to build higher and holier relationships among all of God’s children." 6th Talk: "Be Thou Clean" By Elder D. Martin Goury - Of the Seventy - "Daily repentance allows us to discern the guidance of the Lord through the Holy Ghost." 7th Talk: "The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow" By Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante - Of the Seventy "We can help others progress in their journey to receive God’s blessings." 8th Talk: "Aligning Our Will with His" By Elder Ulisses Soares - Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - "Following the Lord’s will in our life will enable us to find the most precious pearl in the world—the kingdom of heaven." @ComeUntoChrist @churchofjesuschrist #jesuschrist #prophets #twelveapostles #seventies #generalconference #generalconferenceoctober2024 #talks #revelation #bookofmormon #bible #doctrineandcovenants #peralofgreatprice #conferencecenter #tabernaclechoir #temple #prophetofgod #firstpresidency #twelveapostles #quorumofthetwelveapostles #seventy #presidencyoftheseventy #youngmen #youngmengeneralpresident #youngmengeneralpresidency #youngwomen #youngwomengeneralpresident #youngwomengeneralpresidency #elderdtoddchristofferson #elderchristofferson #dtoddchristofferson #elderjoséateixeira #elderteixeira #joséateixeira #elderjuanpablovillar #eldervillar #juanpablovillar #elderpatrickkearon #elderkearon #patrickkearon #elderdavidlbuckner #elderbuckner #davidlbuckner #elderdmartingoury #eldergoury #dmartingoury #elderaroldobcavalcante #eldercavalcante #aroldobcavalcante #elderulissessoares #eldersoares #ulissessoares