"The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow" By Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante

"The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow" By Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante

"The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow" By Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante - Of the Seventy October 2024 Saturday Afternoon Session of General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "We can help others progress in their journey to receive God’s blessings." @ComeUntoChrist @churchofjesuschrist #jesuschrist #prophets #twelveapostles #seventies #generalconference #generalconferenceoctober2024 #talks #revelation #bookofmormon #bible #doctrineandcovenants #peralofgreatprice #conferencecenter #tabernaclechoir #temple #prophetofgod #firstpresidency #twelveapostles #quorumofthetwelveapostles #seventy #presidencyoftheseventy #youngmen #youngmengeneralpresident #youngmengeneralpresidency #youngwomen #youngwomengeneralpresident #youngwomengeneralpresidency #elderaroldobcavalcante #eldercavalcante #aroldobcavalcante #help #others #progress #journey #receive #gods #blessings