이름은 하나인데 별명은 서른너개 이상인 국민 물고기 명태

이름은 하나인데 별명은 서른너개 이상인 국민 물고기 명태

명태의 대표적인 이름을 정리하는 시간을 가져봐요!!! [영상 및 사진 출처] - Sasuke Tsujita : (CC) - Seas The Day : (CC) - 라도어메 리얼요리 : (CC) - 상어이모 : (CC) - Missing Hertz [미씽 헤르츠] : (CC) - 햇살한스푼 : (CC) - Studio BanBan : (CC) - 다리ME : (CC) - 그 외 셔터스톡 및 아이스톡 [음원 출처] - Music from - Track title(s) by Limujii •😁 Upbeat Happy No Copyright Free Instrumental Background Music Mix by Limujii [자막 디자인 출처] - Youtube channel "freeticon" : [참조] - 위키백과 및 나무위키 The videos on this channel are oriented towards the educational purpose of transferring knowledge about biology, and we are trying to use them within the scope of fair use In addition, such as CCL, we are trying to comply with the Copyright Act, such as making videos using materials that the copyright holder has allowed to use if certain conditions are observed However, inevitably, some of my videos may appear to infringe copyright, but this indicates that there is no intention to infringe copyright Please contact us at 'nobidobi456@gmail com' ! #명태 #이름 #총정리 The videos on this channel are oriented towards the educational purpose of transferring knowledge about biology, and we are trying to use them within the scope of fair use In addition, such as CCL, we are trying to comply with the Copyright Act, such as making videos using materials that the copyright holder has allowed to use if certain conditions are observed However, inevitably, some of my videos may appear to infringe copyright, but this indicates that there is no intention to infringe copyright Please contact us at 'nobidobi456@gmail com' !